Contact & Booking
When contacting for bookings, make sure to include the number of people the venue can host, entrance fee and your budget.
Dan and his management decided to look at each booking individually. This means that the price for booking Dan, depends on different parameters. If we need any extra informatie, we will contact you.
Every booking starts with the price you pay for booking Dan. This does not include any accomodation costs, transport and at least one meal before and after the gig (if needed and talked over with the organisation.) Dan doesn't need a hotel to sleep. He will be happy to sleep in your house. If so, we need you to send a picture later on of the room Dan is staying in, only clean rooms with a comfy bed have a change. But also with a picture of the view from the room. Don't worry if the view isn't ok, it's just that Dan loves to see at least a bit of the city he is playing in.
Dan will be happy to take any transportation you can find to get him there cheap but here are the things you should consider:
- Trains are absolutely ok but the journey can NOT take more then 4 - 5 hours. Place on the train MUST be done by reservation, except for local smaller trains.
- When being booked for live, Dan brings a Push 2, laptop, APC40, Midi Fighter Twister and soundcard. He will take this with him in the plane, but he still needs to check in 1 bag with clothes.
!IMPORTANT! when booking Dan for a dj set, Dan takes everything (including clothes) with him in the plain, so in that case no extra bag needed.
Dan is always very curious when playing in a new city. If possible, he likes some walk, visit or anything else in your city. If this can be music themed in any way, the better!
We thank your for contacting us!